The best way to write your To Do list????
This is a topic that I approach with amazing frequency and I have come up with several different solutions but tend to use more than one most of the time. This seems to me to not be the most efficient use of my time, i.e. duplicating information, but I really can't help it!!
How you write and use your To Do list is a very personal thing. I am naturally a colour coder and love (really I do!) drawing lines through things when they are complete and doodling in the margins of note pad lists.....
I guess the most important things to remember are;
- to review your list every evening
- to prioritise the most important tasks for your day/week to the top of the list
- be a bit harsh with what isn't as important and can wait another day
- don't keep putting "Do the filing" at the bottom and then never do it!!! You'll need to find something and it will still be in a pile somewhere.....
Labels: filing, home working, small business tips, to do lists, virtual worker
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